
Yacht Imports & Transfers – 75% Luxury Tax Exemption

Islands, reefs, diverse marine life, picturesque landscapes, all seen from a yacht! Très romantique! Indonesia gets it and they want more marine tourism – through yachting!

Foreign Mining Divestment Requirements

Within a certain number of years after PT PMAs reach the stage of Operation Production, foreign shareholders must divest to reach a minimum of 51% domestic share ownership.

Agents and Principals

An agency or mandate relationship arises anytime one person, the principal, grants authority to another person, the agent, to act for and on behalf of the principal.

Principal-agent relationships are very common relationships in business. (more…)

Language of Agreements

If your agreement with an Indonesian counterparty is not written in the Indonesian language, you run the risk that your agreement will be held invalid and unenforceable by an Indonesian court. (more…)


Governing Law
Collisions between vessels and other objects, and liability for damages to vessels, people and goods on board are governed by the following laws, regulations and international conventions:

Maritime Definitions

Here is some basic maritime nomenclature, as defined in Indonesian law, to assist you in your communications. We hope it helps.

Commissioner Liability

Commissioners of Indonesian limited liability companies actually have a lot of potential liability pursuant to the provisions of Law No. 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies (“Company Law”).

Director Liability

Directors of Indonesian limited liability companies actually have a lot of potential liability pursuant to the provisions of Law No. 40 of 2007 concerning Limited Liability Companies (“Company Law”).

Licensing Framework for Mineral and Coal Mining

Mining is defined as a part or all of the stages of activities in the framework, management and exploitation of minerals or coal that include (more…)